Monday, 27 September 2010

Technical Code's

How the camera is used and how images are sequenced will have a significant impact upon the meaning. Camera movement, angle and shot distance all need to be analysed.
Camera movement may accompany movement of performers (Walking, dancing etc.) But may also be stage performance.
The close up shot predominates and creates a sense of intimacy for the viewer.

Most common editing technique for music video's is the fast cut montage. They also use a slower pace and gentler transitions to establish mood.
They also use Digital effects such as split screens, colourisation and blockbuster film style CGI.
Chroma Key = Green/Blue screen.

High quality videotape recorder's enabled many pop acts to produce promotional video's quickly and cheaply.
In the 1990's many technical codes became common, the most common was a fast cut montage. Lack of edits, long take/steadicam was also a common experimentation. Other common techniques were multiple viewing and Non-representational techniques where the artist was never shown.
By the mid-1980's releasing a music video to accompany a new single became standard.

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